This free android app template has 3 XML ready template screens. Its a social app template for android and it is free to download. One page is chat list showing, on other pages it is showing question answer and third page shows the notification template in android. Free XML Tabbed template in android.
This is a free chat list android XML ready UI KIT. It contains free chat list with beautiful ListView designs in it. This XML also contains free custom search toolbar android design template in it as well.
This is one of the best free android chat thread design templates XML ready screens. This free android template contains beautiful chat thread template design XML ready.
In this free android login and sign up template there is a background of wood. It contains two free XML UI. one page is login page and other page is sign up page. It is an free material design android UI Kit.
This is a free material design android profile template which contains a cover page on top of the android screen and a profile picture of the user in the middle of the screen. Below the cover page, there is the information of the user displayed. This XML UI android profile template is free to download.
It is a free android login app template. It contains a main page which has sign up and login buttons. This template has 3 UI XML pages with sign up, login pages. It is a free android UI material design template.
This material design template is way more elegant and decent. It contains two XML UI pages of login and sign up. This UI android template is free for use.
A free material design personal profile template in android. This personal profile UI template is free to use. You can download by clicking on this android personal profile template. It is a personal information android template.
This material design free android template has dark brown and white color combination. It has two pages, one is sign up and other is login UI XML. This android XML UI UX Kit is free template.
This is a green and black android free app material design template. It also contains two XML UI in it. login and sign up. This android material design template is free of cost.
This is free material design android navigation drawer template