plagiarism checker checks the percentage of copied content online
Plagiarism Checker
Social Share Counter Checks likes, shares, tweets etc
Social Share Counter
This tool Rewrites the article to make it unique & changed
Article Rewriter / Changer
Retrieves all the information of website domain authority
Who Is | Domain Info
Alexa Ranking checks alexa world ranking & other info
Alexa Rank Checker
Yahoo Rank Checker checks the yahoo ranking & other info
Yahoo Rank Checker
Moz Rank Checker checks domain, page metric & more info
Moz Rank Checker
Bing Rank Checker checks the bing ranking & more info
Bing Rank Checker
Article simplifier simplifies the article and make it unique
Article Simplifier
Footprint Chaser creates better links & understandable
Footprint Chaser
Extract the routes of ip network & show full info
Network Traceroute
DNS Lookup used to get name servers associated
DNS Lookup
SEO Spider crawls all links and show status
Broken Links Checker
This tool is used to ping your website on maximum servers
Online Ping Website
Robots.txt Checker checks robots exclusion standard
Robots.txt Checker
Page Speed Checker check Speed of web page
Page Speed Checker
Google PageRank Checks the global rank of page
Google PageRank Checker
Links Counter checks internal/external links counter
Internal/External Links
Get Domain Authority information of domain
Domain Authority Checker
Get Page Authority information of domain
Page Authority Checker
Get full HTTP headers information
Http Headers Checker
Whats My Ip shows your own ip location
Whats My Ip Location?
Ip Lookup get Ip location of multiple Ip's
Ip Lookup
Spell Checker checks spelling mistakes
Spell Checker
Webpage Text Counter counts no of words in a page
Webpage Text Counter
Word Counter Checker counts number of words in text
Word Counter Checker
Code To Text Ratio checker will checks the text ratio from code
Code To Text Ratio
Google Cache Checker gives web content of google cache
Google Cache Checker
Keyword Density Checker checks all keywords info
Keyword Density Checker
Content Matcher checks copied content on web
Content Matcher
Tag Analyzer checks title and meta keyword tag info
Tag Analyzer
Malware Checker checks website malware history
Malware Checker
Pass Encryption encrypt text into MD5/HCI/DES
Password Encryption
Google Index Counts the indexed pages
Google Index Checker
Encode/Decode applies encode and decode on url
Strength Check checks the strength of password
Password Strength Check
Webiste Page Snooper shows the webpage source code
Website page snooper
Domain to ip convert any domain to its ip
Domain to ip
Server Status gives server status in (ms)
Server Status
Domain Authority check tool returns score
Domain Authority Tool