As we know that there are billions of the websites are running and some of the websites are not safe to browse, because they are suspected as suspicious containing malware. But how come we get to know that which site is not safe to browse or which site contains suspicious content and is not safe to browse. As we are familiar with the virus stories i.e. how they enter into your computer and how they get the important data from your computer. So, to check suspicious websites that contains some malware or any type of the suspicious content; Google diagnose the websites that are indexed at its server. Google shows results of over past 90 days. Its result contain number of pages that are being resulted as the malicious content downloaded or installed without user consent. It tells you that how many exploits are included by that malicious software. Also it tells information about the Trojan and scripting exploits, there malicious domains names and the malicious domains hosted networks.
Working:This tool works efficiently as it will get your entered URL and send URL to google server. Then google responses the required information as listed below:
• What is the current listing status for
• What happened when Google visited this site?
• Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?
• Has this site hosted malware?